Sunday, November 30, 2008

Night view of Marina Bayfront


剛買了架新的Canon數碼相幾,也開始學起照相了.這一晚來到了Marina Bay Front, 把這一幕用panaroma setting給照了下來,感覺還不錯。

Salon de Tulip

星期天, 30 Nov 08,cloudy with late afternoon rain...

Time for a haircut! It's been more than a month since my last one. Usually I'll cut once a month, it's like clock work, never fails. But this time round, I've intentionally waited till now (slightly more than a month), cos to time it just right for my SCM2008 run coming Sunday. Wanna get it right, cos if I do it too early, hair will grow long again, and I'll feel very uncomfortable during the long 42km run... :p
Been patronizing 
my dear cousin's salon uptown, known as "Salon de Tulip", in this mall called "The Verge" (formerly known as Tekka Mall).  Been having my hair cut and trim there for the past 3 years... accustomed to his style already.

I was taken by surprise when I reached there. 原來髮廊大改革,也來個make-over,改頭換面,為求新面貌。Really liked the new facade, very welcoming, an open-concept to the whole salon.

Salon de Tulip
2 Serangoon Road #05-01 The Verge S(218227)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Story on Wall Street... and how it all came crashing down...

Heard this story told by friend, and same story found it's way into my email. So here goes:

If you have difficulty understanding the current world financial situation, the following should help...

Once upon a time in a village, a man announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10. The villagers seeing there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at $10, but, as the supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their efforts.

The man further announced that he would now buy at $20. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer rate increased to $25 and the supply of monkeys became so little that it was an effort to even see a monkey, let alone catch it!

The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now act as buyer, on his behalf. In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers: 'Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at $35 and when he returns from the city, you can sell them back to him for $50.' The villagers squeezed together their savings and bought all the monkeys.

Then they never saw the man or his assistant again, only monkeys everywhere!

Welcome to WALL STREET...

Monday, November 24, 2008

考考你的IQ... Answers

Here are the answers (seems like there's a lot of smart guys and gals out there...)

IQ题目一(Level 1):

有三个人,分别为:一名被告, 一名律师和一名法官。三人之间有个奇妙的关系。被告是律师的儿子,而法官是被告的父亲。


答案: 他们两是夫妻。。。是谁说律师就一定得是男的? (你猜对了吗?)

IQ题目二(Level 2):

There is a room with a light bulb, which when switched on, will light up the whole room. The room is made up of walls and ceiling without windows, but a door, which is closed from the start. The door is assumed to have no seams, so no light will be leaked out of the room. There are 3 switches outside this room next to the door, outside the room, and one of the switch will turn on the light bulb to light up the room, while the other 2 doesn't. You are outside this room.

Now comes the challenge:

With only one chance to open the door to check after you turned the switches, how do you figure out which is correct switch that will light up the bulb? Remember, once the door is opened, you are to determine which is the correct switch (no additional flicking of switches after that).

Answer: Turn on 1st switch and wait for 10 mins (or 1 hour, up to you...). Then turn off 1st switch and turn on the 2nd switch. Open the door.

If the bulb is lighted, then the 2nd switch is the one.

If the bulb is not lighted, touch the bulb. If the bulb feels warm or hot, then it must be the 1st switch.

If the bulb is neither lighted nor feels warm/hot, then the 1st and 2nd switch did not turn it on, but the 3rd switch will.

How? Sounds logical? Did you get it right?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

When 黑珍珠 meets "Viper King"...

17 November 08 marks a big day for these 2 love birds. May both of you be blessed with happiness! ;)

Saturday, November 15, 2008



IQ题目一(Level 1):

有三个人,分别为:一名被告, 一名律师和一名法官。三人之间有个奇妙的关系。被告是律师的儿子,而法官是被告的父亲。


IQ题目二(Level 2):

There is a room with a light bulb, which when switched on, will light up the whole room. The room is made up of walls and ceiling without windows, but a door, which is closed from the start. The door is assumed to have no seams, so no light will be leaked out of the room. There are 3 switches outside this room next to the door, outside the room, and one of the switch will turn on the light bulb to light up the room, while the other 2 doesn't. You are outside this room.

Now comes the challenge:

With only one chance to open the door to check after you turned the switches, how do you figure out which is correct switch that will light up the bulb? Remember, once the door is opened, you are to determine which is the correct switch (no additional flicking of switches after that).

是动一动脑经的时候了!把答复留言吧。。。 Think about it...

Will announce answer in week's time. ;)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

30km challenge... and the reward

The Challenge
This is the day... the ultimate challenge - to complete the 30km training run. Sound impossible. The adidias slogan

"Impossible is Nothing"
could probably sums it up in 3 words.

Albeit, we still have to face it... rather suffer now during training and gain something, than to wait till actual day and suffer, and may not get pass that thought ever again.

And so it is, after a gruelling 3 1/2 hours, we ran and walked the whole 30km. By the time we completed, our bodies are aching all over, especially the legs, with all the 3+hrs of pounding... but we did it. :)

The reward
Besides the usual post training breakfast session at the usual hawker centre, the highlight of the day would be the BBQ session at MW's place in the evening. It is a get-together in the name of rewarding ourselves for coming this far in the prep for the marathon.

All those in the running teams are invited. There were BBQ beef, BBQ Japanese shishamo, soba and lots and lots of wine... slurp slurp...

Thanks to the hosts for organising this get-together! MW and family. Thanks to all who came and made this evening a great evening to remember by!
Cheers everyone!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Salomon Trail Run 2008

跟几位志同道合的同事们一块 sign up 了以上的越野赛事,是由赞助商Salomon主办。地点是在Tampines 的 Mountain Bike Trail.

这是个10km 的比赛,整10km的山路。由于昨天下了一整天的豪雨,山路都已经变成了泥路,真是伤脑精哦!

整双跑步鞋都沾满了 Tampines Bike Trail 的泥。虽然辛苦(大热天,满身的汗,又累又渴。。。)不过,抵达终点的成就感,三言两语是无法形容的。一路的想法是:“Aiyoh!怎么还没到啊?还有多远啊?” 可是一过"Start/Finish" point, 瞬间的喜悦一涌而上,心里想着:"I did it! The gruelling trail run is over! Woo hoo!"

过了终点也没闲着,喘了两口气后,便到终点设制的帐篷内领水猛灌!哈哈!跑在前头的一些同事们都已经等候多时了!Paiseh, paiseh!

Though it was hot, sweaty and grueling... but it was fun. Well done dear friends! We did it!