星期天, 30 Nov 08,cloudy with late afternoon rain...
Time for a haircut! It's been more than a month since my last one. Usually I'll cut once a month, it's like clock work, never fails. But this time round, I've intentionally waited till now (slightly more than a month), cos to time it just right for my SCM2008 run coming Sunday. Wanna get it right, cos if I do it too early, hair will grow long again, and I'll feel very uncomfortable during the long 42km run... :p

Been patronizing
my dear cousin's salon uptown, known as "Salon de Tulip", in this mall called "The Verge" (formerly known as Tekka Mall). Been having my hair cut and trim there for the past 3 years... accustomed to his style already.
I was taken by surprise when I reached there. 原來髮廊大改革,也來個make-over,改頭換面,為求新面貌。Really liked the new facade, very welcoming, an open-concept to the whole salon.
Salon de Tulip
2 Serangoon Road #05-01 The Verge S(218227)

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