Eve of the big race... SCM2008.
The thought of running the marathon, brought a lot of mixed emotions. "Will I make it? Will I stop and give up?..No, no... have to push on... how long will it take? 4hrs? 5 hrs? 6 or maybe... 8hrs?" My mind is full of doubts, but on the other hand, thoughts of having my friends and colleagues to run by my side gave some courage to not think about the consequences. Morale have been high for our group of regular runners. "Let's not worry about how long or how fast... just enjoy the run and feel good about running again for the next one..." quoted one of them.
這一天,我起個大早,4點就起身了。梳洗了一番,5點開著車往賽事現場recce了一番。為了就是了解賽事路程,好讓心理有個准備。花了一個小時recce了一番,終算明白了路況。6點,肚子餓了,在McDonalds買了個SME (Sauage Mcmuffin with Egg) set,吃了起來。
Suddenly, my mobile phone beeps... in coming sms. "You up and going or zzz???" It's MW, my colleague.
"Up and about. Just done recce route, now having bf at McD... Going shoot sunrise at East Coast later." I replied via sms.

Just as I've said, a drive down to East Coast and waited for Sunrise (alone) is something I've not done before in my life. The calm and serenity is so soothing, with occasion sight of airline descending towards the nearby Changi International Airport... the scent of morning sea, refreshing...

Wow..so on and well prepared for d run~ finally paid off ya :)
Know your enemy, win all wars... this is what Sun Tse said... heh heh...
Well done to all of you too! You have all done yourselves proud!
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