Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas to Everyone! May there be peace, joy and happiness!
Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Ad of Canon EOS cameras...
Found these clip in one of the forums.
Canon EOS 40D (Ken Watanabe version)
Canon EOS 50D (Ken Watanabe version)
Canon EOS 5D MkII
Canon EOS 7D
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
My Wisdom (teeth) removed...
They were like my nemesis... giving me suffering and pain every now and then. And every time I decided to confront them, they just went away, which is why they have been haunting me for a long while now. It was until the recent week that I decided to end it once and for all, as they again gave me their best shot at pain. In fact, I dealt with TWO of the problem. Yes-serri! Two of them...
I was talking about my wisdom tooth. I had been troubled by them for years and never had the courage to confront them - by extracting them out. Heard about horrific stories from friends and peers on the aftermath. Some says that there might be side-effects, some says the process was pretty painful, bla bla bla...
Well, I am personally afraid of visiting the dentist, thanks to my traumatic experience when I was in primary school. You see, we had these dental nurses (and fierce ones too!) stationed at our school to perform routine dental checks on all the students, who being kids, has no idea on dental hygiene, even though we do brush our teeth every morning. So overtime, we developed cavities in our tooth and require filling. I can still remember the screeching sound of the drill used to bore the cavity. The pain felt when the drill attacked the cavity, touching nerves in the gum (mind you, no anesthetics used then!). Even now, that thought still sends chill down my spine.
So, after many years, I'm still apprehensive about going to the dentist. But as a grown-up, I do have to confront my inner demon at some point of time in my life. So I decided to give it a shot, and visited my neighborhood dentist, got an appointment in the afternoon. I was pretty nervous when I sat at the clinic, waiting for my turn to go in.
Then, my name was called. "Mr. Lim, it's your turn to see the doctor." the nurse with an arty-farty pair of spectacles called out. As I approached the small room, there behind the "what-I-called-a-hot-seat" or "what-is-commonly-known-as-dentist-chair", was a young dentist, smiling and greeting me. "Hi Mr. Lim, take a seat. What can do for you today?" he said. After taking the "hot-seat", I went on telling him my problem and he listened intently. Then he suggested to do some checks on the teeth, and also take some X-rays.
During the check, he kept chatting with me, telling me what he was doing at the moment, what he's gonna do after that, all with the intent of making me less nervous. Well, I must say, it was pretty effective. I was a little more relaxed than before. Then he told me that I have 3 wisdom teeth, all developing cavities due to the way they are grown (cos food gets trapped inside and it's pretty difficult to clean them with normal brushing) - 1 on the left side and 2 on the right. All 3 of them needs to be removed so as not to cause problems to the rest of the teeth in future. But, he suggested to remove 2 right ones as they were causing pain which I was experiencing then. The one on the left could be removed later. This way, I would be able to eat and drink using the left side while the right recovers after the procedure. I obliged and he went ahead with the procedure.
First was a series of 3 doses of anesthetics to the affected areas in the mouth. Then, he went on to attempt to extract the lower right tooth, with more anesthetics along the way whenever I indicated feeling pain. It took him quite an amount of time, having to saw through the tooth (as it was badly decayed and fragile). But he finally took it out, still chatting with me along the way, and my only way of responding is by hand signal (thumbs up for ok, palms up for pain, etc). It was a moment of relief for me, as the sound of the drill intimidates me (though I am so heavily sedated that I could not feel any pain). He then quickly sewed the wound up with his skillful pair of hands (of course, the nurse helped).
After a short break, he went on with the upper one, which is more challenging as he puts it, cos of the way it was grown. Nevertheless, he tried, and it took longer than the first one, still with sawing, more anesthetics along the way. When it's done, both of us were relieved. For me, it's the ordeal of having to keep my mouth opened while he worked. For him, to be able to completely remove the tooth at one go. The whole process took about slightly more than an hour or so (less the waiting time for the anesthetics to kick in during the 3 doses), but all was well. It also changed my perspective about visiting the dentist.
I got my wife to wait for me at the clinic as my right face was totally numb, and I could not speak properly (I was occasionally drooling with traces of blood from wound, had to keep wiping with tissue paper). The bill all came up to be about two thousand odd dollars! I kinda expected this as the dentist has previously briefed me before proceeding with the procedure. Fortunately, I was able to claim partial of the cost from CPF Medisave.
I also requested to keep the 2 teeth as souvenir. :)
My 2 "wisdom" teeth - lower tooth (right) and upper tooth (left)
Friday, December 11, 2009
Establishing Customer Relationship - Skill Upgrading Training.
Attended this 3 day course organized by Singapore Quality Centre, on "Establishing Customer Relations" course, as part of skills retraining effort under the SPURS program.
A very enjoyable course, focusing on topics on how to establish customer relationship and building on from there.
The course encourage participation from the attendees through games and role-playing activities, apart from the theory lessons conducted in between.
Brought along my trusted camera with a prime lens attached and attempted to capture some of the fun moments during class.
I truly enjoyed the company of all those who has attended. Hope to keep in touch with all of them... Cheers!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Melaka, Melaka...
Sunday, 6 Dec 2009...
After a gruelling 21.1km run at the Standard Chartered Marathon 2009, I managed to finish the half marathon despite cramps and a really bad stomach (mmm... could either be the expired Power Gel that I had in the morning, or the deadly concoction of banana and water during the race...).
Anyway, I survived the ordeal (sorry for the toilet user at the F1 pit, I couldn't help it but to deposit at there!!). Having checked in at the company's cheer point to lend some support for the full marathon runners, I slipped away and rushed home. Why? I had another 200km to conquer! A drive up north to Malacca, historic state of Halal-land, for a quick 3D2N getaway with my dear wife...
After a gruelling 21.1km run at the Standard Chartered Marathon 2009, I managed to finish the half marathon despite cramps and a really bad stomach (mmm... could either be the expired Power Gel that I had in the morning, or the deadly concoction of banana and water during the race...).
Anyway, I survived the ordeal (sorry for the toilet user at the F1 pit, I couldn't help it but to deposit at there!!). Having checked in at the company's cheer point to lend some support for the full marathon runners, I slipped away and rushed home. Why? I had another 200km to conquer! A drive up north to Malacca, historic state of Halal-land, for a quick 3D2N getaway with my dear wife...
After a long 4 and 1/2 hours drive along the NS Highway via 2nd linkway, we finally arrived at Malacca (thanks to the Garmin GPS which navigated from Sing, but most useful after passing toll plaza! haha!). Made our way to our destinated hotel, Hotel Puri along Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock, a peranakan styled hotel. After a short rest, we ventured out way to the famous Jonker Walk, a weekend night market street, just behind our hotel.

A quick dinner at a peranakan restaurant, Nancy's Kitchen - we had Sambal Kangkong, Rendang Chicken (it's reallly good!) and Sek Bak (pork cooked in dark sauce) - we took a stroll along Jonker Walk. Street was full of people, both local and foreigners.

Stroll also took us down to the Melaka River side, watching people taking River Cruise and viewing the "Eye on Malaysia" from far. Brightly-lit trishaws sounded horns and zoomed along the alleys, bringing life into the town at night.

A quick dinner at a peranakan restaurant, Nancy's Kitchen - we had Sambal Kangkong, Rendang Chicken (it's reallly good!) and Sek Bak (pork cooked in dark sauce) - we took a stroll along Jonker Walk. Street was full of people, both local and foreigners.

Stroll also took us down to the Melaka River side, watching people taking River Cruise and viewing the "Eye on Malaysia" from far. Brightly-lit trishaws sounded horns and zoomed along the alleys, bringing life into the town at night.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
11月29日, 农历10月初3。。。
杨家办喜事啦!杨家之子,我小舅子 - 杨家郁,在这一天成家啦!长大成人,娶媳妇啦!恭喜老爷,贺喜夫人!我也尽本分接重任,当起摄影师,负责把当天的情景,一举一动都拍摄下来,弄成幻灯影像留念。
杨家办喜事啦!杨家之子,我小舅子 - 杨家郁,在这一天成家啦!长大成人,娶媳妇啦!恭喜老爷,贺喜夫人!我也尽本分接重任,当起摄影师,负责把当天的情景,一举一动都拍摄下来,弄成幻灯影像留念。
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
It's been quite a while since I updated here...
Lots and lots of things happened during this period... some good, some bad... some unexpected too...
Anyway, I am just back from a great break from a great place, a place which I think one should be at least once in a lifetime - Tibet (西藏). Great place for scenery, good weather during summer (cool @ 17~25 deg C)... breath-taking...
Spent about 12 days there, not on back-packing though, but on a package tour. Good to get a glimpse of what Tibet is all about, and the next time I will definitely be on a back-packing route there. Got to know a lot of interesting facts about Tibetan way of life, culture, beliefs, etc.
Also, fate has brought an additional 13 more people into my social circle - got to know 13 more friends of the tour group I'm in. Though most of them are uncles and aunties (all but 3, 2 of who is slightly older than me, but still considered a youngster and 1 young girl), but they brought with them lots of fun and laughter for the trip.
What's thrilling for me is how big the place is, one can see the land and sky meet at the horizon, as far as the eyes can see... magnificent!
Took a lot of photos, and had a hard time choosing which to show. But still managed to do that:

Still more beautiful sceneries in Flickr site.
Lots and lots of things happened during this period... some good, some bad... some unexpected too...
Anyway, I am just back from a great break from a great place, a place which I think one should be at least once in a lifetime - Tibet (西藏). Great place for scenery, good weather during summer (cool @ 17~25 deg C)... breath-taking...
Spent about 12 days there, not on back-packing though, but on a package tour. Good to get a glimpse of what Tibet is all about, and the next time I will definitely be on a back-packing route there. Got to know a lot of interesting facts about Tibetan way of life, culture, beliefs, etc.
Also, fate has brought an additional 13 more people into my social circle - got to know 13 more friends of the tour group I'm in. Though most of them are uncles and aunties (all but 3, 2 of who is slightly older than me, but still considered a youngster and 1 young girl), but they brought with them lots of fun and laughter for the trip.
What's thrilling for me is how big the place is, one can see the land and sky meet at the horizon, as far as the eyes can see... magnificent!
Took a lot of photos, and had a hard time choosing which to show. But still managed to do that:
Still more beautiful sceneries in Flickr site.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Having some fun with shooting...
I am at it again, having fun looking at things in a different perspective...


Well chilled wine for the evening

Light of Life
Well chilled wine for the evening
Light of Life
Friday, April 10, 2009
Birds and creatures from Sungei Boluh...
Have not been to a mangrove before, what's more, just got my hands on a set of very expensive, very heavy lens. So I thought I could go and take some shots with it.
The moment i got there, I was greeted with a sense of serene and tranquility, after which you start to be greeted by the "ushers" - the mosquitoes. Yes, starving, blood-thirsty buggers, who could sacrifice their own lives just for a taste of human blood. Imagine how desperate they are, since they don't get much fresh human blood around everyday to feed their population...
Oh well, I was prepared, as I whipped out my army-standard-issued insect repellant, and Viola! works like magic. The "ushers" "knew" to leave me alone for my walk... heh heh.
So here's what I got:

Herons resting (they are usually found near dusk, around 4 or 5pm, resting)

A pair of Kingfishers by the trees. Very beautiful colors.

Heron and a pair of Storks by the river bed, feeding.

The moment i got there, I was greeted with a sense of serene and tranquility, after which you start to be greeted by the "ushers" - the mosquitoes. Yes, starving, blood-thirsty buggers, who could sacrifice their own lives just for a taste of human blood. Imagine how desperate they are, since they don't get much fresh human blood around everyday to feed their population...
Oh well, I was prepared, as I whipped out my army-standard-issued insect repellant, and Viola! works like magic. The "ushers" "knew" to leave me alone for my walk... heh heh.
So here's what I got:
Herons resting (they are usually found near dusk, around 4 or 5pm, resting)
A pair of Kingfishers by the trees. Very beautiful colors.
Heron and a pair of Storks by the river bed, feeding.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
e乐大赏@Marina Bay Floating Platform
第一届亚周音乐娱乐盛事, 独e无二:e乐大赏!聚集了海内外巨星。

我有幸索到票,能与一群好友参与了这个在滨海弯浮动舞台举办的盛事,一场看巨星,听好歌,完全娱乐的concert! 有本地的歌手,如孙燕姿,何维建,JJ林俊杰,石欣卉等等,海外艺人“小猪”罗志祥,陈绮贞,Energy等等。还有我欣赏的Olivia Ong!

For more of the photos, please visit:
我有幸索到票,能与一群好友参与了这个在滨海弯浮动舞台举办的盛事,一场看巨星,听好歌,完全娱乐的concert! 有本地的歌手,如孙燕姿,何维建,JJ林俊杰,石欣卉等等,海外艺人“小猪”罗志祥,陈绮贞,Energy等等。还有我欣赏的Olivia Ong!
For more of the photos, please visit:
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I'm still around!!!
It's been a almost a month since I wrote again. Not really sure why I could not find the motivation to surf to this page and write something. Maybe it's the fact that I'm too busy with work that I've not given myself time to stop and think about life. Or maybe it's because life itself has not given me any inspiration lately to write about...
Anyway, CNY came and went... The financial crisis is here to stay for at least a while... companies are cutting cost (and work-force)... I could say that I am counting my blessings each and everyday that I am still around and kicking... But it's depressing to flip the papers every now and then to read about the economic situation deteriorating... hearing sad news of people being retrenched here and there...
Our company had just handed another batch of staff their "pink-slips" and the golden hand-shake. The mood is so gloomy once this happens. But I think the company is already doing the best of what it could to buffer the impact. It could have been worst than now.
My perspective of life now have to adjust from before. It's really time to slow down and start thinking of how to move ahead... I haven't been thinking about this for a very long time. Each time during the performance review, I'm being asked the same question: "Have you thought of what you're gonna do next?". And every time i would just shrug it off. I could not afford to do this now. I have to think...
Monday, January 19, 2009
I love "Hip Siong too!!!

Remembering what my good o'bro-in-law explained the concept of "Depth of Focus", decided to put the theory into good practice and try it myself.
Saw a basket of fruits, started playing with some of the functions, like color emphasis and color swap functions... fun...:)

Then to the "Depth of Focus" practice. Took some green apples to try and try... and finally got what I was hoping to achieve - getting focus on apples at different distances and focus level... cool!
Focus on front Apple Focus on middle apple

Focus on rear apple

Quite a fun lesson...
Saturday, January 10, 2009

看了“我报”举办的首映会,满足了追看下文的好奇心。 看完了以后,脑海里还浮现了赤壁(一)的剧情,完全能把第一和第二集的故事凑在一块。真的是一部值得看的影片!
208年6月,曹操的情報部門得知劉表突然患了重病,隨時有生命危險,曹操認為機不可失,遂緊急召開軍事會議,會議中決定即刻整軍南下,但由於北方防務尚未完全掌握,在出征名單中並未把大部份謀臣猛將帶齊,但所動用的兵力,卻是歷來最多的一次,其兵力編制如下:總司令:曹操;參謀長:賈詡;參謀:田疇、婁圭;前鋒部隊:張遼、徐晃,率嫡系部隊 15,000人;主攻部隊:曹仁,率嫡系部隊 20,000人;精銳部隊:曹純,率直屬騎兵(虎豹騎)5,000人;曹洪軍團、程昱軍團、樂進軍團共率領袁紹降軍 130,000人;後勤司令:夏侯淵;補給司令:滿寵。曹操的虎豹騎(精銳騎兵)相當於現在的特種作戰部隊,分為虎營及豹營,是從全軍中精挑細選出來的,每人都能在部隊中擔任現今連長的職務,平常時期擔任曹操的護衛親軍,而戰時則作為一支最具速度及攻擊力的精銳部隊使用,虎豹騎的統領傳統都是由曹氏家族中的將領擔任。208年7月底在殺掉孔融後曹操大軍兵分二路南下。8月初劉表病逝,次子劉琮在蔡瑁、蒯越及張允的擁立之下,勉強奪得政權。事實上曹操在經營北方時為了防止南方劉表的威脅,早已對這些劉表的將臣施以小惠,並暗示若劉表能臣服,這些人都將享受榮華富貴,所以劉表一死,蔡瑁等人就勸說劉琮歸降曹操,9月曹操大軍到了新野,劉琮的降書也已到達。
Sunday, January 4, 2009
老兵gathering: 31FAOCC meet-up @ Hyatt
"Laoda, where is the meetup and wat time", I wrote in my SMS.

Minutes later came the reply,"Tomorrow FAOCC 12.30 Hyatt straits kitchen buffet."
Made my way to Hyatt by MRT (parking there expensive leh, cannot claim somemore... technical recession, technical recession...). Was wondering how to get pass the reception
without embarrassing myself (cos dunno who made the reservation!). But (heng ah!) my eyes caught sights of familiar faces sitting at a table near the food counters (smart!), so i walked in and caught up with them, the 老兵.

It's been 13 years since we all knew each other through NS, how time flies. Back then, we are all greenhorns, wearing green day in and out, running here and there, going for live firing, manning stand-bys (protect the country sia!).
Now, most of us are married, proud parents (except me), career men and women. It's really nice to see them after such a long time.

How did this meet-up happen? Think it's cos our dear friend, Patrick Tan (right), who is 長期在外(in Sydney, Australia), came home for the holidays, and hope to reminisce on the good'o days, so got Lai Kwang Wei (centre) to initiate this. Thanks brother!

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