Minutes later came the reply,"Tomorrow FAOCC 12.30 Hyatt straits kitchen buffet."
Made my way to Hyatt by MRT (parking there expensive leh, cannot claim somemore... technical recession, technical recession...). Was wondering how to get pass the reception
without embarrassing myself (cos dunno who made the reservation!). But (heng ah!) my eyes caught sights of familiar faces sitting at a table near the food counters (smart!), so i walked in and caught up with them, the 老兵.

It's been 13 years since we all knew each other through NS, how time flies. Back then, we are all greenhorns, wearing green day in and out, running here and there, going for live firing, manning stand-bys (protect the country sia!).
Now, most of us are married, proud parents (except me), career men and women. It's really nice to see them after such a long time.

How did this meet-up happen? Think it's cos our dear friend, Patrick Tan (right), who is 長期在外(in Sydney, Australia), came home for the holidays, and hope to reminisce on the good'o days, so got Lai Kwang Wei (centre) to initiate this. Thanks brother!

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